Taimei Stone Welcomes New Employees and Prepares for Opening an Additional Shift

Taimei Stone Welcomes New Employees and Prepares for Opening an Additional Shift

17 May, 2024

Taimei Stone Welcomes New Employees and Prepares for Opening an Additional Shift


The decision to introduce an extra shift to our production line follows thorough consideration of our current production capacity and the requirements of our valued clientele. Our priority is to ensure prompt product delivery, and incorporating this new shift will enable us to enhance output and provide improved service to our customers.


Naturally, the implementation of an additional shift necessitates meticulous preparation and planning. We have invested considerable effort into ensuring that our facilities and equipment are fully prepared to handle the increased workload. Furthermore, comprehensive training has been provided to our new employees, equipping them with the skills required to make an immediate impact and contribute to our accomplishments from day one.




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